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Who We Are

Yes on LC, No on D, The Committee for Local Control of Santa Monica Airport Land (CLCSMAL) is a political committee formed and funded entirely by local residents and volunteers.

Our goal is to defeat the AOPA ballot initiative (Measure D) and support the opposing City initiative (Measure LC) in the November 2014 election. By so doing we will prevent wealthy special interests denying the public access to the land that is at the airport when some or all of the airport closes down starting in July 2015.

This land was bought by the City with a Parks Bond back in the 1920s and it is high time it went back to community, not special interest uses. We need your help to stop this land grab by national aviation lobby groups.

We are a coalition of and supported by the following local community groups:

Community Against Santa Monica Airport Traffic (CASMAT) – Working to create a grand park

Friends of Sunset Park – Working to protect the Sunset Park Community

Sunset Park Anti-Airport, Inc.

SMO FUTURE – A network of people supporting change at SMO

No Jets – Working to get the jets out of SMO

Concerned Residents Against Airport Pollution

Green Party of Los Angeles County

League of Women Voters of Santa Monica

Pico Neighborhood Association

Santa Monica Democratic Club

Santa Monicans for Renters Rights