It all comes down to just a couple of paragraphs. Read the operative texts of Measures LC & D and then decide for yourself!
Archive | Background
A vision for the future
If we are successful in passing initiative LC and defeating D, the control of SMO land will be in the hands of the voters. Learn about the movement to turn SMO airport land into the city’s biggest park once this occurs.
Adverse Airport Impacts
This post gives an overview of the controversy regarding aviation at SMO, including a look at safety, pollution & health, noise, jets, Santa Monica city & tax payer finances and more.
History of the Dispute
A history of the dispute over Santa Monica Airport ownership between the City and the FAA, as well as of the mounting opposition to the airport from the impacted residents in the surrounds.
The opposing ballot initiatives
Learn about the two different ballot initiatives related to SMO. The City’s initiative limits development & encourages the construction of a new city park. The aviation lobbyists’ initiative ensures no changes are made at SMO.