Measure LC would be a huge win for our community. If the airport ever closes, it would prevent the City Council and developers from doing anything with the land, except for turning it into public parks.
Archive | Issues
The issues are some strong focus points for us.
Measure D Redefines “Voter Approval” to Make It Unattainable
Measure D would redefine a “voter majority” to mean a majority of voters, not a majority of votes. This would make any future voter approval effectively unattainable!
Santa Monica Airport economic impact no more than a “medium-sized strip mall”
Measure D supporters claim the financial impact of Santa Monica Airport is far greater than it really is. Here’s City Manager Ron Gould saying that in reality, it’s only equivalent to a “medium-sized strip mall.”
Jets and Parks Don’t Mix [Video]
On September 18, 2014, one of our volunteers recorded two short videos that show quite clearly just how close the airplanes at Santa Monica Airport come to our community.