They have taken the campaign logo of the “Yes on LC, No on D, The Committee for Local Control of Santa Monica Airport Land” and substituted the alternative “YES on D, NO on LC” and posted it on twitter on the @santamonicaair Twitter feed.

The issues are some strong focus points for us.
They have taken the campaign logo of the “Yes on LC, No on D, The Committee for Local Control of Santa Monica Airport Land” and substituted the alternative “YES on D, NO on LC” and posted it on twitter on the @santamonicaair Twitter feed.
The Measure D claim is “a 100 percent fabrication,” according to a statement issued by SMC’s Senior Director of Government Relations & Institutional Communications, Donald Girard.
The Measure D campaign’s deceptive mailers and full-page newspaper ads “conveniently” obscure the most important parts of both ballot measures!
The Measure D campaign has been falsely claiming that Santa Monica Airport “protects” the airspace above Santa Monica, keeping commercial aviation at higher altitudes. In reality, it’s not the Santa Monica airport that requires this–it’s the geography of the region and the orientation of the LAX runways.
Watch as our chairman and longtime Sunset Park resident, John Fairweather, dispells the lies and distortions by Measure D spokesperson, Christian Fry.
Measure LC is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to control development; we cannot let it slip out of our hands!
A brilliant satire!
If building heights were constrained by the FAR 77 as Measure D proponents claim, our city could consist largely of glass and concrete canyons. Fortunately this, like all their other fear mongering tactics, is a lie, and building heights are set by local city zoning.
If Measure D passes, we will be prohibited from getting rid of lead fuel sales as long as the airport remains open. In contrast, Measure LC will allow us to address the issue of lead fuel sales and run our airport with the interests of our residents’ heath and safety in in mind.
Measure D says that we would not be able to change any aviation use of the airport without first voting to close the airport. But if it passes, closing the airport will become all but impossible!