Measure D will prevent us from ending dangerous Leaded Avgas (aviation gas) sales at Santa Monica Airport. The Measure clearly says that the city “shall not impose additional restrictions on providers of aviation support services to tenants and airport users that inhibit the sale of fuel or the full use of aviation facilities.”
It is amazing that our children are being still be exposed to lead. On July 15, 2015 we could end leaded fuel sales but if Measure D passes, we will be prohibited from getting rid of lead fuel sales as long as the airport remains open.
Here is a video shot recently at Clover Park, showing the commonplace refueling of planes being pumped full of Leaded Avgas with children and residents being exposed to lead gas fumes just 25 feet away!
So are you concerned about the dangers of Lead Poisoning from the leaded fuel at Santa Monica Airport?
You have every right to be.
Multiple EPA studies have shown elevated levels of lead on the Santa Monica Airport property and surrounding areas (PDF).
This is troubling since the Santa Monica Airport is surrounded on all sides by homes with families that are being exposed to dangerous lead toxins. Clover Park and the children’s playground are located just 25 feet from where children play.
Every gallon of Aviation Gas contains 2 grams of toxic lead (even though lead in automobiles was outlawed in 1995) and over a half a million gallons are pumped at Santa Monica Airport every year.
A child can get lead poisoning by swallowing or breathing lead. Young children are most endangered by even the smallest level of lead as the CDC and WHO warn that there are NO SAFE LEVELS of exposure to lead.
Measure D will completely tie our hands and prevent us from ending dangerous Leaded Avgas sales at Santa Monica Airport.
In contrast, Measure LC will allow us to address the issue of lead fuel sales and run our airport with the interests of our residents’ heath and safety in in mind.
The Santa Monica-Malibu PTA Council wrote this analysis of the measures (PDF), stating that Measure D “could limit the City Council’s ability to address environmental concerns and adverse impacts of Airport operations in a timely manner, if at all, as long the Airport remains open . . . Measure D essentially bypasses our long-established system of representative government and extensive community participatory process.”
For additional information about the dangers of lead, visit the Lead Safe America Foundation.
Vote YES on LC, NO on D, so we can keep Local Control of our airport, and protect our community.
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